He Taught Me the Courage of Stars: Remembering Pastor Dennis

A year ago today was Pastor Dennis’ first birthday in heaven. Last August 19th I wrote out some of my dearest memories of growing up with him as my pastor and grandfather-figure, but I saved a song for later — for now. 

Around the time I learned that Pastor’s health was failing, I came across a song with lyrics that immediately brought me thoughts of his impact on my life. Sharp thoughts that left tears in my eyes when I woke up and couldn’t get on with my day until I’d listened to the song multiple times: 

You taught me the courage of stars before you left / 

How light carries on even after death / 

With shortness of breath you explained the infinite / 

And how rare and beautiful it is to even exist /

These lyrics speak to the nature of impact. No doubt Pastor knew he’d impacted my life, but undoubtedly he did not know exactly how many lives he impacted, nor the lasting effects of each interaction. 

And that’s not the point. It’s not for us to know. 

From the infinite to the personal, from stars to human minds, nothing and no one knows the full extent of their impact. We forget that we are making an impact because it’s not always measurable, and because we don’t know when exactly it’s taking place. 

So rather than share again the impact that Pastor’s life had on mine, in honor of him I want to tell you about YOURS. 

Reader, you have more impact than you know. You will never fully know — but keep on going, living, shining. It is a rare and beautiful thing that you exist at this time, in this space, in your place. 

You can probably think right now of several people from whose lives you’ve gained so much. Some of them may have lived generations before you, and some of them living today you may never meet. In the same vein, remember that everyone YOU have impacted has not met you, has not told you how much you mean to them nor how much your life has affected theirs. You cannot ever possibly know how much you mean to others. But know this: you’re impacting the world. Always have, always will. 

So, Pastor Dennis, 

With shortness of breath I’ll explain the infinite / 

How rare and beautiful it is to even exist /



This beautiful song is “Saturn” by Sleeping at Last. 🪐